
Gastric Sleeve Surgery for Weight Loss : A Comprehensive Guide by CureSureMedico

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Gastric sleeve surgery, or sleeve gastrectomy, is a life-changing bariatric procedure designed to help individuals with obesity achieve significant weight loss. Reducing the stomach’s size limits food intake and decreases hunger signals, leading to a healthier lifestyle.


CureSureMedico excels in coordinating medical tourism for gastric sleeve surgery, offering patients a seamless journey from their home country to the operating table and back, with comprehensive care at every step.


1.   Anatomy and Eligibility

  • Understanding the Stomach
  • The stomach plays a crucial role in digestion by storing and breaking down food. Gastric sleeve surgery transforms the stomach into a narrow “sleeve,” reducing its volume and, consequently, the amount of food it can hold.


2.   Who is Eligible?

  • Candidates for gastric sleeve surgery typically have a BMI of 40 or higher or a BMI of 35 with obesity-related health conditions. It’s an option for those who haven’t achieved weight loss through diet and exercise alone.


3.   The Procedure

  • Prior to surgery, patients undergo thorough consultations and health evaluations to ensure they are suitable candidates. This includes nutritional counselling and psychological assessments to prepare for the lifestyle changes ahead.


4.   Surgical Process

  • The procedure involves creating a small, sleeve-shaped stomach, about the size of a banana. It’s performed laparoscopically, resulting in less pain and quicker recovery12.


5.   Recovery and Results

  • Post-Surgery Care
  • After surgery, patients follow a phased diet, starting with liquids and gradually introducing solid foods. They receive ongoing support to adjust to their new dietary requirements and lifestyle.


6.   Expected Outcomes

  • Most patients lose 60-70% of their excess weight within a year of surgery. Additionally, the procedure can improve or resolve conditions like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea12.


7.   CureSureMedico’s Role

  • CureSureMedico provides end-to-end services, from pre-surgery preparations, including travel and accommodation arrangements, to post-surgery care and follow-up. Their dedicated team ensures that every patient’s medical journey is as comfortable and stress-free as possible.


Gastric sleeve surgery offers a new beginning for those struggling with obesity. With CureSureMedico’s expert coordination, patients can look forward to a transformative experience with lasting health benefits.

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