
Heart Healthy Coconut Oil: Discover the lauric acid benefits

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The quest for better heart health seems to evolve with newer nutritional discoveries. One of these discoveries in nutrition that may well form the heart of heart health is lauric acid, a type of saturated fat found in coconut oil, raising HDL cholesterol or the "good" cholesterol.

Lauric acid is one of the key components of coconut oil, comprising about 50% of this exotic oil's fatty acid content. Unlike saturated fats, traditionally considered to have adverse effects on the heart, lauric acid seems to behave differently in the body. Studies have shown it can increase levels of HDL cholesterol, which is a protective lipid that takes out cholesterol from the arteries, thereby decreasing the risks associated with cardiovascular disease.

Research Findings

1. Voon et al. (2011) : This study reported that coconut oil increased the HDL cholesterol in subjects in comparison to those who consumed butter or safflower oil.

2. Cardoso et al. (2015): In this study, it was evidenced that with an intake of coconut oil, subjects portrayed significant increases noted in HDL cholesterol while there were insignificant changes noted in LDL cholesterol.

3. Eyres et al. (2016): This review reported the conclusion that, while LA does raise HDL-C, it is also quite likely to raise LDL-C. The increase in HDL, however, is usually more severe .

How HDL Cholesterol Works

It acts like a scavenger in the blood vessels. HDL cholesterol picks up the cholesterol from other parts of the body and takes it to the liver, where it is metabolized and excreted out. Large quantities of HDL lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Lauric acid present in coconut oil can increase this good cholesterol and, hence, protect heart health.

Table: Impact of Lauric Acid on Cholesterol Levels


HDL Cholesterol Increase

LDL Cholesterol Increase


Voon et al. (2011)



Journal of Lipids

Cardoso et al. (2015)



Nutrition Review

Eyres et al. (2016)



Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition


Moderate Intake

It is very important to point out that while lauric acid is capable of increasing HDL cholesterol, its action on LDL cholesterol can be variable. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a moderate and balanced consumption. Coconut oil should be consumed in the framework of a balanced diet with diversification: a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole cereals, and lean sources of protein. The consumption of nonrefined and virgin oils is also advisable since they preserve more of the beneficial nutrients, including lauric acid.

Practical Ways to Add Coconut Oil in Your Diet

• Alternative for Cooking: Replace other oils while cooking with coconut oil.

• Smoothies and Recipes: Add a spoonful into the smoothie, your culinary preparations; its benefits you shall realize only by its consumption.

• Consultation: Consult a healthcare professional before making any major alteration in your diet.

Lauric acid, still under study, gives an interesting insight into how specific fats can affect our heart health in a very positive way. When it comes to increasing HDL cholesterol, the lauric acid present in coconut oil could prove to be quite an unsuspecting ally in the fight for better cardiovascular health.


One of the most promising, yet still to be confirmed, expectations in terms of heart health benefits is that due to the action of lauric acid on HDL cholesterol. For more information about lauric acid, coconut oil, and its benefits on heart health, please find the best sources of information and discuss this with your doctor. The key to benefiting from such promising nutritional discoveries lies in adopting a well-balanced and informed approach.

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