
Mom's Marijuana: A Risky Bet on Baby's Health

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During pregnancy, the use of marijuana should be strongly avoided because it can lead to many health and development problems in babies. Studies about this health issue demonstrated the fact that being under marijuana causes differing results such as complicated pregnancy and long-term developmental effects.

Fatal Growth Restriction:

The possibility of fetal growth limitation is one of the key concerns arising from marijuana use in pregnant women. THC, a psychoactive component of marijuana, can easily end up in the mother's body and then the developing fetus. This exposure may lead to poor fetal growth which in turn will bring about low birth weight and other issues (Research and Markets)​​ (Future Market Insights)​.

Premature Birth and Stillbirth

Findings show that taking marijuana has been a main factor in the increased odds of giving birth to a premature and stillborn baby. Obtained data shows that a pregnant woman who uses cannabis is at a higher risk of not giving a full-term delivery of her baby, which in turn is associated with a variety of health problems for the newborn. Early birth can end in breathing disorders, lack of development in speech, and illnesses such as hypertension or oasophilisis. According to research carried out by Research and Markets, it is presented how this problem happens and what consequences might be in the future and these are: premature birth, distress syndrome, the baby's immune system failed or attacked by a virus.

Brain Development Issues

Furthermore, THC and other substances contained in cannabis can impact the development of the brain, thus, leading to cognitive and behavioral problems that will last long-term. Studies have found that exposure to cannabis during pregnancy is associated with brain developmental problems in the child, this is seen as hyperactivity, poor attention and memory. Such developing issues will make a child unable to learn and be successful in school ​(footnote clicked on is about the market and the link sends them to the page of Future Market Insights).

Impact of Breastfeeding

Besides pregnancy marijuana's ill effects are also seen in other areas. Breast milk is a medium through which a mother transfers THC to her baby. As a result, her baby becomes susceptible to the THC effect and thus, becomes generally less developed. Kids exposed to THC through breast milk may develop delays in the developmental process and other health issues. Therefore, marijuana must be out of the hands of breastfeeding mothers so that they can make their children live healthily​ (Future Market Insights)​.

(Future Market Insights)​.

Mainly, the harms resulting from smoking pot during pregnancy and nursing are extremely serious. Marijuana use during pregnancy and breastfeeding can result in numerous complications such as only being able to be born like a fetus that was not fully developed, hitting the nine-month gestation period that might turn into ten weeks of bed rest, not being born at all, or suffering from abnormal cognitive and behavioral anomalies on a long-term basis . In this connection, pregnant and breastfeeding women need to be informed about these risks and refer to healthcare professionals to get information regarding the secure health and well-being of their children.

In order to find more detailed information and resources, please visit Global Wellness Institute and Research and Markets.

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